The Extra Mile

Do your work, not just your work and no more, but a little more for the lavishing’s sake — that little more which is worth all the rest.

— Dean Briggs

Handmade. Artisanal. Bespoke. Luxury. These terms are all used to express a level of quality. A higher tier of product of service. Typically, these labels are used to identify products that are crafted with a higher level of expertise or precision. But how does something become worthy of being artisanal or luxury? What sets it apart from the rest?

The difference can be rooted in the quality of the materials used to create something, but far more often the difference is in the skill and attention given by the person or group creating something. They are created by craftsmen and artists. When someone is a craftsman or an artist they take pride in their work and go the extra mile to ensure they are producing something they can be proud to claim credit for. They exert their focus — their mental and physical energy — to making something that is just right.

Each of us can approach our daily activities with this craftsman mindset. In our jobs, our efforts to serve others, our relationships and our efforts to improve and grow, we can use our mental and physical energies and take the extra steps that transform us into artisans. This is the key to massive personal growth. This is the key to creating true impact in the lives of others. This is the key to achieving all your hopes and dreams.

That may sound like an exaggeration, but it is true. There is a reason that an iPhone is so expensive or why people seek out art from a popular artist or why people love Ikea furniture (not everything made with a lot of effort is expensive after all). There is a reason that people are willing to pay more for anything created with an artistic touch and a high level of craftsmanship. When items are made with true care and focus and attention, the result is far better than when something is made carelessly.

When we approach the many activities of our lives with a craftsman’s mindset, the results we will produce will also be far better. Our relationships will be stronger, our service will touch people’s hearts, our careers will thrive and we will make great strides in fulfilling our potential. Choose to be a craftsman, and make your life magnificent.

How can I go the extra mile in my life to create something wonderful?

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