Your True Potential

No matter what the level of your ability, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime.

— James T. McCay

When you think about your future, what do you think is your limit? What are the best possible outcomes you think you can achieve? What things in life to you feel like you could never do?

Now, stop and say to yourself, “Those limitations are lies.” No really — say it. “Those limitations are lies!”

Despite what limitations we think we have, we are wrong. For most of us, when we were young we had gigantic dreams. We saw a future where we were astronauts or firemen or ballerinas or movie stars or pro athletes. Then, somewhere along the way somebody told us to be more realistic and to set our sights a little lower. And then we started to believe them.

Each of us has more potential than we could ever possibly develop in a lifetime. You can learn and grow and improve every day. While you may have some natural talents, our ability to learn and master new things is not determined by our natural talents. Our ability to learn and master new things is the result our our effort.

The human brain is the most powerful super computer in the known universe and each of us have one. The human body is a marvelous machine and each of us have one. When we exert our mental and physical energies we can learn anything. The first step to achieve anything is to believe we can achieve it.

There will be times when you don’t believe you can achieve the thing you really want. When that happens, believe that you can take the next step. Just the immediate next step. And then take it. Then take another. And another. When we focus on taking the next step we can gain confidence in our ability to achieve anything.

Think of a limitation you think you have. What do you believe you could achieve if you didn’t have that limitation? What is one step you can take towards overcoming that limitation today?

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