Ready… Aim… Fire!

The odds of hitting a target go up dramatically when you aim at it.

— Mal Pancoast

Have you ever experienced beginner’s luck? We have probably all had the experience of trying something new and having had what felt like immediate success. Maybe you shot the basketball and saw it swish cleanly through the net. Or maybe you won a new game the first time you played.

When this happens it can feel amazing. You feel like you are a natural and have discovered a new hidden talent. But this feeling often fades when the luck wears off and we are faced with the reality that we are still just a beginner.

We can try to continue to rely on luck, but if we do, our general lack of skill will eventually win out. We have to learn to aim if we want to hit the target.

Building skill takes time and effort. It takes focus and practice. When we bring our attention and effort, and we focus and try, we will increase our skill.

To aim you have to know where to find the target. Then you have to focus on hitting it.

As you do this, you will see greater success in your life, your family, your career and in every pursuit in your life.

So, take aim. Hold steady. And then fire.

What are your goals? Do you know the targets you are trying to hit? If not, find them. How can you work better to aim? How do you think your success will improve as you aim?

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