The Climb

It’s easier to go down hill than up, but the view is much better at the top.

— Henry Ward Beecher

This last summer, our youth group when on a high country backpacking trip. We started at the trailhead full of energy and excited for a new adventure. The hike was long and uphill the whole way.

It was hard. At times it was really hard. But when we got to top, the view was amazing.

Climbing takes effort, but brings great rewards. It can bring pain and frustration and a host of other feelings as well, but it will always bring great rewards.

So don’t be afraid of the effort real progress and growth takes. In hiking and in life, the view is always better after the climb.

What areas of growth are you working on in your life? How can you learn from the pain and struggle of the climb? How can your expectations for your view from the top give you motivation to continue your climb?

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