The Power of Kindness

There is not a single conversation that kindness cannot make infinitely better.

— Cloe Wade

We live in an increasingly divisive and combative world. So much of our thought, news and public discourse seems intent on dividing people into categories and then pitting those groups against each other in endless debate over who is right and who is wrong. One of the many problems with this is that it encourages us to view each other through generalizations that ignore all the things we have in common.

People have always had — and will always have — different opinions and viewpoints. We can’t help it because we are all the products of different cultures, environments, upbringings, and circumstances. And we are all trapped in our own heads with our own thoughts. Despite these differences, deep down most people want the same things. They want security and safety for themselves and those they love. They want to be heard and understood. They want to know that what they say and do and think and feel matters. When you take a step back from the heated public debate that surrounds us all, you can see these desires in action.

The problem is that everyone is so busy trying to be heard, that very few people are taking the time to truly listen. In trying so hard to be understood, very few of us are putting forth the effort to understand. In our efforts to be appreciated, we are failing to appreciate others. The simple and most powerful solution to this is kindness.

We can all gain a lot from employing a higher level of intentional kindness in everything we do. How different would our interactions with our friends, neighbors, children, strangers, and everyone else be if we were to intentionally try to show kindness in our interactions?

The miracle of kindness is that it can build bridges and change hearts. It is free and infinite. It is powerful. It opens the door for understanding and provides the foundation for cooperation. And, most importantly, kindness helps fulfill all the desires that we all try so hard to fulfill. It helps people feel understood and important.

The question for each of us then becomes: if kindness is so great, how can I show more kindness to those around me? How can I be more kind? We can show kindness by listening to others and trying our best to genuinely understand their concerns and opinions. It does not mean sacrificing our beliefs, but can help us to build on the common ground we share with everyone we encounter. And when we can start building on that common ground there is nothing we can’t achieve together.

But it all begins with kindness.

What is one thing you will do to show more kindness to someone today?

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