Path of Least Resistance?

We are kept from our goals not by obstacles, but by a clear path to lesser goals.

— Robert Brault

You and every other person you meet has more potential than you can possibly imagine. Despite this vast potential, many people settle for lives of mediocrity. Why?

This is not because everyone is lazy and unmotivated. I believe most people are desire to have a better future and are motivated to try and achieve their potential. You can see this in the popularity of fad diets, plastic surgery, gym memberships (especially in January when everyone is excited about their New Year’s Resolutions).

The problem is not a lack of motivation. The problem is a lack of focus.

We are all prone to being distracted by the many options available to us. When we don’t consciously focus on our biggest and most audacious dreams, we can become easily distracted by lesser pursuits. Often, these lesser pursuits are still good things, they just aren’t the best or most important things.

When we are diligent and intentional with our focus, we can avoid the good — but not great — distractions and continue to make progress towards our most important goals and dreams.

Which of your goals and pursuits are merely distractions from your biggest hopes and dreams?

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