Zigzagging Closer To Your Dreams

The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks. See the line from a sufficient distance, and it straightens itself to the average tendency.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

When an airplane flies from Los Angeles to New York City, being off course by a single degree would land you about 50 miles away from your destination. If you were off course by 5 degrees would end up over 200 miles from your hoped for destination.

When a plane is in flight it is constantly being pushed off course by winds, storms and a host of other external forces. Given this constant barrage of forces, how is it that most airplanes arrive safely at their destinations?

To allow the plane to arrive at its destination, pilots constantly make small updates to the course of the plane. These small corrections counter the external forces that would push the airplane disastrously far from its desired destination.

In our lives, we too are constantly pushed off course by external forces. Left unchecked, these forces can cause us to end up living a life far below our hopes and dreams. Even small changes in course can have a huge affect on the results we see in life.

To stay on course we need to make regular and consistent corrections to our course. We can take time daily, weekly, and monthly to check our progress and make the necessary corrections. When we do this we can overcome the forces that would push us off course.

You can arrive at your desired destination and fulfill your hopes and dreams. All it takes is making the small course corrections that keep us moving in the right direction.

The minor zigzags don’t matter nearly as much as the average direction you are going.

What things in your life tend to push you off course from your hopes and dreams? What can you do monthly, weekly, and daily to make course corrections and keep you moving towards you desired future?

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