Wrapped in the Arms of His Love

In our efforts to live, learn, and teach the gospel, we should first and foremost seek the companionship of the Spirit. This goal should govern our choices and guide our thoughts and actions. We should seek after whatever invites the influence of the Spirit and reject whatever drives that influence away — for we know that if we can be worthy of the presence of the Holy Ghost, we can also be worthy of the presence of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

— Come Follow Me, New Testament Manual

Our Heavenly Father created this world and sent us here to learn to be like Him. He believes in each of us. He wants us to succeed. He didn’t send us here to fail. He is a perfect parent and has provided us with everything we need to return to Him.

One of the biggest challenges we each have is learning to see ourselves as our Heavenly Father sees us. Each of us know our weaknesses and our failings. And knowing our weaknesses and failings, we can struggle to see the real potential we carry inside.

We must remember that we are all children of our Heavenly Father, but we are still children. Just as we wouldn’t expect our children to be able to do everything that an adult can do, our loving Father in Heaven does not expect us to be perfect now. He does expect us to continually learn, grow and become more like Him.

When we see ourselves as young children who are learning and growing, we can come to see ourselves as our Heavenly Father sees us. We can gain confidence in ourselves and our potential. We can learn to love ourselves as He loves us. He tells us He loves us when we feel the Spirit. And we can know when we feel the Spirit that we are on the path back to our heavenly home.

How can knowing that your Heavenly Father loves you help you learn to love yourself more? How would this knowledge help you be better today?

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