The Limited and the Inifinite

Love and time — those are the only two things in all the world and all of life that cannot be bought, but only spent.

— Gary Jennings

In our world, it can be very easy to focus on the things we don’t have and the things that others do have. We can find ourselves feeling discontent or frustrated and the inequalities we see in society and in our own lives.

While there are many inequalities in life that we might experience, there are a couple of ways where we all have equal opportunity — love and time.

First, time. Every person who has ever lived has the same 24 hours available to them each day. No matter how wealthy you are you can’t buy more time, you can only spend it. Every day you make hundreds of decisions about how you will spend your time and these decisions determine how much your time is worth.

Just as we can determine the value of our universally consistent time with our decisions, we can determine the value and amount of love in our life through our actions. We can choose to do things that will add or remove love from our lives. Unlike time however, the amount of love available in the world is infinite.

No matter how much love we share, we can always share more. There is always more love available to share. We just need to reach out and share it.

How can I better utilize my limited amount of time? How can I multiply the amount of love in my life and the world?

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