Predicting the Future

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

— Abraham Lincoln

When you think about your future, what do you see? Have you thought about who you will be in 3 years? How about 5 years? 10? 25?

Most people have hopes and dreams. They have wishes for their future. But many people find when their future arrives, that it does not match their dreams and hopes. They may look at their life with disappointment and frustration, but be unsure of what they did wrong.

What can we do to better realize our hopes and dreams? Simply wishing or hoping for a better future is not enough. We must let our vision of our future guide us as we work to create it.

Creating a bigger and better future does not require us to overextend or exert super human effort. All it requires is that we regularly remember our vision for the future and then take regular small steps in that direction.

As with any journey, when we consistently take small steps towards our hopes and dreams, we will eventually get there. All we have to do is keep taking small steps in the right direction. By doing so, we can create any future we truly desire. What future are you building?

What is your vision for your future? What small steps can you start taking now to make that future a reality?

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