
When you meet someone, treat them as if they were in serious trouble and you will be right more than half the time.

— Henry B. Eyring

I have thought a lot about the above quote from Henry B. Eyring lately. I don’t know about anyone else, but just about everyone I know is struggling with something or helping a loved one who is struggling with something. For some, it might be a minor struggle, but most people I know are struggling with very real and difficult challenges.

So often we see others from a distance or read their posts on social media and feel like everyone else is doing great while we are having a hard time just keeping things together. I know I have felt this way. Maybe you have felt this way, too. The truth is that most everyone is working through some kind of challenge or difficulty.

Some people doubt their ability to make it through their challenges. Others are working to overcome addictions or illnesses. And others might be dealing with disappointment, guilt, depression, anxiety, loss of faith, or any one of hundreds of other internal, personal challenges.

Knowing this can help us approach others with a much greater sense of empathy and kindness. If we assume that everyone else is also struggling with real and difficult challenges, it can help us to reach out to them with love and kindness because we all know how hard life can be.

As we seek to share kindness and love with those around us, we can become a true blessing to those we encounter. In return, we will also gain greater strength to help us overcome the trials and challenges we face personally. We are all on this journey of life together and working together can help us overcome the challenges we face.

How would it change your perception of others if you knew the trials they were personally experiencing? How could this different perspective help you to show more kindness to those around you?

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