Be Do Have

You’ve got to be before you can do, and do before you can have.

— Zig Ziglar

There is a very common belief that many people have. We believe there are things we need to have that will allow us to do things so we can be something. For example, we believe we need to have our dream job so we can do the things in our life that our career success will enable so we can be happy.

The problem with this belief is that it is completely backwards. If you look at your life you will likely see that the success you have seen has never followed the path of havedobe, it always comes from the path of bedohave.

When you have seen success in your life, it has come because you decided to be something more than you were. You made the courageous decision to reach for a higher level. Then while you embodied the attributes of that better version of yourself, you acted at that level. You chose to do the things that better version of you would do. When you took this action, it enabled you to have the success you hoped for.

This is a formula you can use in just about every aspect of your life to obtain greater success and happiness. Don’t complicate things. Just be the version of yourself you want to be. Then do the things that version of you would do. Then you will have the success you long to obtain.

What is something the best version of yourself would do? How can you be that person now and do the actions that version of you would do? What success do you believe that would bring into your life?

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